
  • Orders will ship in 3-5 business days
  • We use UPS, USPS & FedEx at our discretion
  • Weight based US shipping (calculated at checkout) or FREE on orders over $150!
  • FREE local pickup is available in Casa Grande, AZ (Choose option at checkout.)
  • An order may be canceled within 5 hours of placing the order.
  • Once items are shipped, it is COMPLETELY out of our hands! Please understand that if you would like to insure your package, you must purchase “Priority” otherwise, the package will be shipped first class without insurance.
  • Any delivery dates or times shown as part of the checkout process are estimates only and are not guaranteed. Expect longer shipping times in peak seasons. 
  • While we are not responsible for any lost or stolen packages, please reach out to us so we may assist you in trying to locate your package.
  • If your package does not arrive within 5 days please contact us immediately.  We cannot help locate a package that was delivered if it has been several weeks or months.
  • Orders are shipped to the address on file. Please verify you have entered the correct shipping address before placing your order. We are not responsible for an order shipping to an incorrect address; therefore, no refunds or replacements will be offered. If your item(s) are sent back to us, you will be responsible for shipping costs the 2nd time as well.  
  • If there is a problem with your order please contact us within 48 hours of delivery